Kids Around the World Sing 6th Grader's Song to Save the Earth

Kids Around the World Sing 6th Grader's Song to Save the Earth Kids from around the world have joined their voices together - singing voices that is - to save the earth. All are part of kidEarth, a children's environmental movement started by Aitan Grossman, a 6th grader from California.

Aitan's mind is spinning with ways he can mobilize kids to help save our planet.

Aitan wrote "100 Generations," a ballad he says is about "the integrity of nature we're taking for granted," and sent it to schools on six continents in search of children like him who wanted, through the power of music, to fight global warming.

Children from countries threatened by droughts, fires, rising sea levels, and melting glaciers - Botswana, France, Taiwan, Venezuela, Ethiopia, and the United States - eagerly volunteered to be part of Aitan's global music project. Their song can be found with a search for "kidEarth" on iTunes or Amazon.
Aitan posted the "100 Generations'" anthem on his kidEarth website and is inviting school children around the world to add their voices to its chorus. All they need to join in is music from the website, a digital video camera, and lyrics sung in their own language about local natural landmarks they hold dear.

KidEarth kids hope their message will go viral so that all kids, who are about to inherit an earth vastly different from their parents', will learn what they can do to turn the world's climate around.

The efforts of these kids, along with the "amazing things adults are doing to un-endanger endangered species and to save the planet from the bad effects of global warming" Aitan notes, are cause for optimism. But just in case adults need some help, Aitan wants people who share his concern to plunk down 99 cents and buy the "100 Generations" song which can be found on kidEarth's website. He plans to give the song's profits to environmental groups that are doing their part to save the planet.
Two of Aitan's favorites are the World Wildlife Fund, which echoes kidEarth's international global warming message with its work in 100 countries, and the Alliance for Climate Protection, whose mission is to teach the world about climate change, started by Aitan's hero, Nobel laureate and former US Vice President Al Gore.

What's next for a kid like Aitan who has stepped onto the international music stage and tried to change the world, all at the tender age of 12? He would like kidEarth to be the voice of any child anywhere who is concerned about the environment.

Perhaps these kids are thinking of Professor Dumbledore who counseled Harry Potter to think of music as "a magic beyond all we do here." KidEarth is out to show the world just what magic its music can perform.

"100 Generations" Credits
"100 Generations" Lyrics

To purchase the song:

Search for "kidEarth on iTunes or Amazon MP3

To find more about kidEarth:

kidEarth Website

Facebook: kidEarth

YouTube: kidEarth

Twitter: kid_Earth

More details on Aitan's favorite charites:

Alliance for Climate Protection. With 2 million members signed up since its July 2007 start, the Alliance is building political will to solve the climate crisis and persuading the world of the importance and urgency of implementing solutions. The Alliance also is working to re-power nations with electricity from clean energy sources.

World Wildlife Fund. The World Wildlife Fund has been protecting nature for more than 45 years. As the largest multinational conservation organization, working in 100 countries with close to 5 million members globally, WWF is changing the attitudes of governments, communities and businesses about global warming by shaping international policy through science, reducing carbon through its forest programs, helping high-risk ecosystems adapt to unexpected change, and helping corporations reduce their carbon emissions.
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